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CES 2023: Future Camera Phone That Puts iPhone To Shame

CES 2023, Spectricity, S1 multispectral image sensor, Future camera, iOS 16 : Check Your iPhone Now For These Awesome Features
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CES 2023 which stands for Consumer Electronics Show 2023 pulled over 1500 participants and hundreds of tech innovators who came to showcase their latest inventions. The aim of this year’s CES show is to have technologies that solve real-world problems and make life better such as in health, education, transportation, communication, water, food, etc. Expectedly, tech innovators lived up to the expectations as we saw the display of smart tech such as future camera phone technology that will put the iPhone to shame. Others are earrings that serve as speakers for listening to music, a flying car, and shoe that kills smells from sweat.

The future Camera That Puts iPhone to shame:

Spectricity, the company that developed the future camera calls it the S1 multispectral image sensor.

It captures true colour while taking photos no matter the circumstances.

In a situation where other phones, including iPhones might not take the true colours of images or things shot, the S1 takes and retains the colours as is.

The future phone’s camera’s multispectral image sensor is a breakthrough.

The future camera phone measures everything in a person: your melanin, skin oxygen saturation to blood volume.

With this capability, medical practitioners will find the phone very useful.

For instance, since the S1 measures the oxygen saturation in blood, doctors can rely on this ability to tell how their patients’ wounds are healing without needing them come to the office or for test.

This clearly puts the iPhone to shame!

Although iPhone 14, Pixel 7 Pro, Galaxy S22 and other camera phones have computational photography. This smart technology in camera help these phones to clean up and take good photos with very good lighting conditions.

However, the quality of photos they take is not as superb as what the the future camera phone, the multispectral image sensor of S1 promises.

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At the CES 2023, the demo to show how advanced the S1 camera technology is above the iPhone was carried out.

Using the iPhone 12, even as the innovators said the same result will be for iPhone 14 brands, Spectricity showed tech journalist, Mark Spoonauer, the magic the future camera has in store.

Spoonauer explained his experience thus:

“Using a light box, Spectrcity showed me a live video feed of two rubber ducks and a Rubix’s Pyramid from the iPhone’s camera and from its own multispectral image sensor.

“The company then changed the brightness and color temperature inside the box using a series of LEDs, taking a new photo each time.

“While the photos from the S1 sensor stayed remarkably consistent, the images shot with iPhone looked overly warm in one instance and cooler in another.

“The goal of Spectrcity’s sensor is to capture true color no matter the circumstances.”

What you must know about the future camera phone, S1:

While iPhones and other smartphones are limited to the typical three wavelengths that limits their photo-taking ability.

However, for the S1, it has the capability of up to 16 different wavelengths. Meanwhile, the company is working on increasing this capability even further.

According to the journalist, he explained further about the future camera phone saying:

“There are other applications for the S1 sensor beyond just better-looking photos.

“During another demo, Spectricity showed me how a spectral camera could measure everything from melanin in your skin and skin oxygen saturation to blood volume, which could have useful medical applications.”

Another angle the S1 smartphone camera is dusting the iPhone is in helping dermatologists know what skin care products are best for someone.

Also, the S1 spectral camera sensor could also help manufactures develop personalized cosmetics for users.

When to start seeing this technology?

Spectricity say the future camera, S1 multispectral sensor technology, will start showing in all smartphones from 2024.

Already, the company is working with several Chinese phone makers to effect this.

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