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Elon Musk: Buhari’s Government Closely Monitoring Twitter

MSSN, Twitter, Tinubu, Buhari monitoring Twitter and Elon Musk
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Following Elon Musk’s buyoff of the micro-blogging site, Twitter and the world’s richest man now owning the bird’s app, the president Muhammadu Buhari-led government of Nigeria has said that it is closely monitoring Twitter to ensure the platform is not used to disintegrate Nigeria.

The Nigerian government said this in view of the recent spate of fake news and other misinformation that unpatriotic elements are peddling on Twitter.

A statement by the Nigerian Minister of Information, Lai Mohammed, said that Nigeria is not considering placing another ban on any social media platform.

He however added that Nigeria is, however, monitoring all social media platforms operating in the country to ensure their use does not constitute a threat to the sovereignty of Nigeria.

Recall that Nigeria had previously banned Twitter after accusing the platform of allowing unpatriotic elements from using the platform to spread fake news and misinformation inimical to Nigeria’s unity.

Although the government later lifted the ban on Twitter,  it made sure Twitter agreed to operate within the confines of rules and other terms which Nigeria set.

Reiterating the resolve of Nigeria not to allow any media disintegrate Nigeria through any means, the minister said the government would not sit and watch any platform cause trouble in Nigeria.

“Many have called to ask us what will become of our agreement with Twitter, in view of the change in its ownership.

“Many have asked for our reaction, following reports that there has been a spike in fake news, disinformation and hate speech since the micro-blogging site changed ownership.

He also said further that “Many have even asked us if another ban is in the offing?“

“Let me say this: We are closely monitoring the evolving developments at Twitter.

“It has never been our intention to ban any social media platform or stifle free speech. Not at all.

“We have no intention of banning any social media platform again.

“But we will also not sit by and allow any platform whatsoever to throw our nation into crisis.

“Let me say this, We are closely monitoring the evolving developments at Twitter.

“It has never been our intention to ban any social media platform or stifle free speech. Not at all.

“”What happened in the case of Twitter is well known to all.

“Twitter became a platform of choice for those who want to destabilize Nigeria, using fake news, disinformation and hate speech.

“No nation will allow any social media platform to plunge it into anarchy. Definitely not Nigeria.

“But we have continued to engage positively with the different social media platforms, including Facebook, Google (owners of YouTube) and Twitter.

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