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Top Smartphones With Highest Radiation Emission: Check If Yours’ Among

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Check if your phone is among top smartphones with highest radiation emissions that are likely hazardous to the body.

Meanwhile, Samsung, LG, Huawei and some iPhone brands have topped smartphones with the lowest radiation emission.

However, this is not to say that the premium brands don’t emit radiations that could be dangerous to human beings.

In fact, some of the premium brands such as iPhone 7 and iPhone 8 emit high radiations.

Also, some brands of Motorola, ZTE, Google Pixel, OnePlus and Oppo smartphones equally have the highest radiation emissions.

Giving that we use our phones almost 5-6 hours daily, it means we are exposing ourselves to radiation for such duration of hours each day.

Nevertheless, different phones emit different amounts of radiation.

But why is this report important to you?

Radiation Emissions by Smartphones

Radiation Emissions by Smartphones

Why should you even bother about the radiation emission of your phone? Well, here is why:

What you must know about smartphone radiations:

Smartphone Radiations:

According to cracktechnology.com Smartphones like your iPhones, ZTE, Samsung, Oppo, etc emit radiations in form of radio frequency or radio waves.

The radiation is in the region of electromagnetic spectrum which constitutes all types of radiations that have both electric and magnetic fields and travels in waves.

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While some electromagnetic waves are low because they emit low energy and travel in longer waves, others are high-frequency radiations and travel in short waves.

Examples of high-frequency radiations are x-Rays and gamma rays.

Also, while many high frequency radiations are ionizing, very low ones are non-ionizing radiations.

Consequently, radiations from cell phones are in the category of the non-ionizing radiation emission.

Conversely, high frequency radiations such as x-rays and gamma rays are ionizing radiations.

By definition, ionizing radiations are higher energy emissions.

They can cause chemical changes in cells  as well as damage DNAs of your body.

Also, ionizing radiations may increase the risk of developing certain health conditions, such as cancer, according to some studies.

Therefore, exposing yourself to very high doses of ionizing radiation can cause immediate damage to your body.

It can also cause severe skin or tissue damage, acute radiation sickness or even death.

Major sources of ionizing radiations:

Ionizing radiation can come from natural sources such as radon and cosmic rays (rays that enter the earth’s atmosphere from outer space).

It may also come from medical imaging equipment such as x-ray, CT scan, or PET scan machines.

Also, nuclear power plant accidents and atomic weapons also release high levels of ionizing radiation.

The link with smartphone radiation emissions:

Since some forms of radiations, like the ionizing radiation, are very harmful to human beings, there are fears that radiations from smartphones too may be thus hazardous.

There is no gainsaying the fact that most people use their smartphones at least 5-6 hours daily.

Meanwhile, the human body does absorb energy from devices that emit radiofrequency radiation, such as smartphones.

The body parts where radiation absorptions take place the more are areas where people hold smartphones.

The areas includes the ears, mouth, head, and sometimes the neck.

Also, the thigh region as well as body areas close to the private parts equally get radiation exposure from smartphones.

This is because, people put their smartphones in their pockets.

Likewise, in a more rare case, some uneducated ladies put their smartphones between their breasts and strapped by their braziers.

These body parts are constantly exposed to biological effect of radiofrequency radiations, including those from cell phones.

So many smartphones run between second and fifth generation networks.

Consequently, 2G, 3G, 4G smartphones emit radiofrequency in the frequency range of 0.7–2.7 GHz.

5G cell phones likely use the frequency spectrum of up to 80 GHz, which is quite high.

Apart from generational categorization of phones and their levels of radiation emission, different brands also differ in terms of radiation emission.

But before we dive into listing and discussion the smartphones and their levels of radiation emissions, let us look briefly into units of measuring smartphone radiation absorptions by the body.

But how much radiation from smartphones can your body absorb to raise concerns?

Measurement of body absorption of radiations from smartphones:

The dose of the energy that people absorb from any source of radiation is estimated using a measure called the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR).

It is the unit of measurement that represents the quantity of electromagnetic energy absorbed by the body when using a mobile device.

SAR is expressed in watts per kilogram of body weight.

The SAR decreases very quickly as the distance to the exposure source increases.

The Council of the European Union has set radiation standards for cell phones at 2 watts per kilogram, measured over the 10 grams of tissue that is absorbing the most signal.

This means any smartphone emitting 2 watts or above is giving out too much hazardous radiation.

Also, those emitting very close to this margin, anything between 1.0 to almost 2 watts are high emitters or offenders.

Smartphone users who hold their phones next to their head during voice calls get the highest exposure  to their brains, acoustic nerves, salivary glands and thyroids.

Also, although some studies have not conclusively declared a concrete link between some body health hazards with phone radiation emissions, other effects exist.

Some studies have equally shown that  the only consistently recognizable biological effect of radiofrequency radiation absorption in humans that the general public might encounter via smartphones is heating to the area of the body parts where users expose the most to smartphones.

Other possible health effects from cell phone radiations:

Likewise, other consistent health risk associated with cell phone use is distracted driving and vehicle accidents.

Additionally, children may stand greater risk from smartphone radiations, particularly in form of neurologic effects.

The nervous systems of children are still developing and, therefore, more vulnerable to factors that may cause health conditions like cancer.

Also, their heads are smaller than those of adults and consequently have a greater proportional exposure to radiation that cell phones emit.

Equally, children have the potential of accumulating more years of cell phone exposure than adults.

The long accumulation of this radiations may turn out to severely affect their bodies.

Now, let us take a deep dive into the smartphones and their levels of radiation emissions.

Smartphones With the Highest Levels of Radiation Emissions:

Highest radiation emission smartphones

Highest radiation emission smartphones

  1. Motorola Edge:

Topping the list of highest emitters is the Motorola Edge.

This smartphone has the highest radiation emission with a SAR value of 1.79 watts of radiation per kilogram.

Radiation from Motorola Edge is significantly higher than most other smartphone models in the market today.

   2. Axon 11 5G by ZTE:

Coming in second is the Axon 11 5G by ZTE.

This smartphone emits radiation up to 1.59.

3.  OnePlus 6T:

The third highest radiation emitter is the OnePlus 6T smartphone.

This smartphone emits radiation up to 1.55 W/kg. It is a little above the Sony Expera.

4. The Sony Xperia AX2 Plus:

The Sony Xperia AX2 Plus comes fourth on the league of highest emitters 1.41 SAR.

5. Google Pixel 3 XL and 3A XL at 1.39:

Google Pixel phones are great culprits when it comes to radiation emission.

Leading the Google brands are the Google Pixel 3 XL and 3A XL which have radiation emission of 1.39 SAR.

They come fifth on the list of highest emitters.

6. Google Pixel 4A:

Coming sixth on the list is the Google Pixel 4A, a 2020 smartphone with a 1.37 watts of radiation per kilogram.

7. Sony Xperia XZ1:

This 2017 smartphone comes seventh on the list. It emits 1.36 1.36 watts of radiation per kilogram. It comes with a wat below the Google Pixel 4A.

8. The Oppo Reno 5G:

The Oppo Reno 5G comes eighth on the list of highest offenders with 1.36 watts of radiation per kilogram.

9. OnePlus 6:

This smartphone on the list of highest radiation emitters comes ninth and emits 1.33 watts of radiation per kilogram.

10. Google Pixel 3:

This Google brand is also among the smartphones with highest radiation emission.

coming tenth on the list, like the OnePlus 6, it has a 1.33 watts of radiation per kilogram.

These smartphones discussed are the worst offenders.

However, this is not to say that there are not smartphones within safe range of SAR.

Therefore, let’s now look at the smartphones with the lowest levels of radiation emissions.

Smartphones With the Lowest Levels of Radiation Emissions:

lowest radiation emission smartphones

Like I mentioned earlier in this report, some brands emit very low levels of radiations. Here they are:

  1. ZTE Blade V10:

The smartphone with the lowest SAR value is the ZTE Blade V10.

This device has a SAR level of 0.13 watts of radiation per kilogram.

This is very low as to warrant concern.

This means those who use this phone are less likely to suffer hazardous effects of smartphone radiation emissions in comparisons to the highest offenders.

2. Samsung Galaxy Note 10+:

Mobile devices by Samsung carry some of the least radiation risks.

The company has four phones considered to be the best in the category.

Leading the line-up is the Galaxy Note 10+ which is the best model.

It emits just a meager 0.19 watts of radiation per kilogram.

3. Samsung Galaxy A80:

Coming third on this list is the Samsung Galaxy A80 which has 0.22 watts of radiation per kilogram.

It escaped the list of smartphones with highest radiation emission.

4. The LG G7 Thinq:

The LG G7 Thinq comes fourth outside smartphones with highest radiation emission, with a 0.24 watts of radiation per kilogram.

Its radiation emission level is just 0.1 shy of another Galaxy which comes next.

5. Coming fifth is another Samsung Galaxy, the Samsung Galaxy M20:

This Galaxy smartphone emits 0.25 watts of radiation per kilogram.

Others include the following:

6. Samsung Galaxy S10 5G:

This 2019 smartphone is the sixth ranking phone on the list of lowest radiation emitters.

It has a 0.26 watts of radiation per kilogram to be out of the list of smartphones with highest radiation emission.

7. Motorola RAZR 5G:

Although the Motorola Edge is among the highest radiation emitters, the brand equally has a lineup that are low emitters.

The Motorola RAZR 5G emits small level of radiation.

Its emission is though higher than the Samsung Galaxy, but lower than some brands of Sonny and Huawei.

It has a SAR level of 0.27 watts of radiation per kilogram.

8. LG G8X Thinq:

This 2019 smartphone is also among the league of low radiation emitters.

Just like the Motorola RAZR 5G, this smartphone also has a SAR level of 0.27 watts of radiation per kilogram.

9. Sony Xperia 5 II:

This 2020 smartphone is the ninth on this list.

With a a SAR level of 0.28 watts of radiation per kilogram, it emits lower radiation than the Huawei which comes last on this list of low emitters.

10. Huawei Y7:

Last on this list is the Huawei Y7, a 2019 smartphone.

This phone emits less radiation compared to the league of highest offenders we discussed above.

With a SAR level of 0.30 watts of radiation per kilogram, it is better than the iPhones 12 which has 0.98 watts of radiation per kilogram.

Following this revelations, you should not be scared and begin to make plans to throw away your phone if it falls among smartphones with highest radiation emission.

This is because, while the radiations from the phones could be harmful, researches have not been conclusive and in concrete terms, the link between health hazards and smartphone radiation emissions.

Consequently, most organisations have argued that there is no direct link between smartphone radiation emissions and health hazards.

Below are the various submissions from some organisations:

Among this groups is the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

It states that no scientific evidence definitively answers whether cell phone use causes cancer.

Similarly, the American Cancer Society’s cell phones pageExit Disclaimer corroborates this stance.

It said thus: “It is not clear at this time that RF (radiofrequency) waves from cell phones cause dangerous health effects in people.”

“But, studies now being done should give a clearer picture of the possible health effects in the future.”

Likewise, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) states that the weight of the current scientific evidence has not conclusively linked cell phone use with any adverse health problems, but more research is needed.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) notes that studies reporting biological changes associated with radiofrequency radiation have failed to be replicated and that the majority of human epidemiologic studies have failed to show a relationship between exposure to radiofrequency radiation from cell phones and health problems.


Despite these submissions from these bodies, smartphone users must adopt ways to remain safe from exposure to phone radiations according to report by cancer.gov.

Therefore, below are what all phone users can do to reduce their exposure to radiofrequency radiation:

  • Use your phones for shorter conversations.
  • If you must speak for long, use a device with hands-free technology, such as wired headsets.
  • Headphones place more distance between the phone and the head of the user.

Also, when you use wired or wireless headsets, you reduce the amount of radiofrequency radiation exposure to the head because the phone is not placed against the head.

Exposures decline dramatically when cell phones are used hands-free.

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