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Ehingbeti 2021: Talent Brewing, Coordination Of General Efforts Critical To Achieving A Digital Economy

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Talent brewing and coordination of general efforts have been described as pointers to achieving a digital economy.

Iyin Aboyeji, CEO of Future Africa made this known on Day 2 of the Lagos Economic Summit, Ehingbeti 2021.

Other speakers on the panel were Segun Ogunsanya, MD and CEO Airtel Nigeria; Mr. Tomi Davies, CIO at GreenTec Capital Partners; and Mrs. Funke Opeke, CEO MainOne among others.

The focus of the session was on deriving forward-looking insights on how Lagos can become the digital hub for technology and innovation in Africa.

Citing talent as a major factor to be considered in attaining the lofty vision, Iyin Aboyeji made the first point from which succeeding contributions took stem.

According to him, Lagos State has an abundance of raw human capital, deep investments in infrastructure, and a lot of enthusiasm around the possibilities of a digital economy.

READ ALSO: Ehingbeti 2021: Lagos Economic Summit Closes On A Remarkable Note

However, there are not enough talents to accomplish the state’s lofty goals.  As such, the issue of talent has to be handled decisively.

Support from Tomi Davies

In Support of Iyin’s motion, Mr. Tomi Davies made few recommendations to the state as regards talent development.

He stated that the state will have to lay out specific and time-bound goals if we all must experience the digital transformation that we crave for.

According to him, ensuring that all 15-year-olds in Lagos are digitally literate could be one of such specific goals.

Such a goal can be tracked within a specific period of time and the results can be evaluated.

Mr. Tomi also suggested that a hundred thousand graduates should be trained annually in advanced digital skills.

He maintains that although the targets are high, they can be passed on to the educational sector as a puzzle to be worked on.

Having SMART goals have always proven to be an effective approach towards getting results.

Adopting the same module here will certainly be a step in the right direction.

About Ehingbeti Economic Summit 2021

The annual Lagos State Economic Summit, popularly called EHINGBETI started in 2000.

The Summit began as an annual event.

Because of the importance attached to the Summit and its resolutions, it has changed from a yearly one to a biennial Summit to give the State Government some time to respond to commitments that she made.

However, the Summit was last held in 2014.

It is of even greater pleasure to note that it has been hosted continuously since the beginning of the millennium in the year 2000 and is now firmly established as a credible forum for stimulating economic growth in Lagos State.

The theme for the 2021 event is, “For a greater Lagos: Setting the Tone for the Next Decade.”

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