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Goodbye Twitter; Welcome Truth Social, Tweeps Tell Elon Over New Limit

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Goodbye Twitter; Welcome Truth Social has been the latest trend for users of Elon Musk’s Twitter who reside in the US and other places. 

limit, tweet limit, Elon, most-followed account, Why Elon Musk's Twitter Deal was bound to fail, Twitter sues Elon Musk, Breaking: Elon Musk Officially Terminates Twitter Deal
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Goodbye Twitter; Welcome Truth Social has been the latest trend for users of Elon Musk’s Twitter who reside in the US and other places.

This is because, Twitter CEO, Elon Musk announced that the micro-blogging platform will now be placing limits on the number of tweets that users can see in a day.

On Saturday, millions of users reported that they were unable to read some tweets, with prompts telling them they had reached their daily limit.

Consequently, Elon Musk had announced the new policy that Saturday, raising mixed reactions from users.

In fact, many users immediately started the hashtag announcing their Goodbye to Twitter and welcoming themselves to former president Donald Trump’s Twitter-lookalike platform, Truth Social.

Read everything about Truth Social here.

Elon Musk had announced that there will be limits on the daily number of tweets users can read.

In his tweet announcing the policy change on Saturday afternoon, Musk said that verified accounts are limited to reading 6,000 posts a day.

He also said that unverified accounts will now have the number of tweets they read in a day drop to a meagre 600 posts a day!

Also, the billionaire added that New unverified users can only have access to a paltry 300 posts a day.

Why Elon Musk Is Limiting Number Of Tweets On Twitter:

You may be asking why Elon Musk is placing limits on the number of tweets users read in a day.

Well, the answer is not far-fetched, all thanks to AI.

The Twitter limit is part of the war against the excesses of Artificial Intelligence (AI) which has continued to grow.

AI has advanced to a level that they have almost above 90% human-like conversational and other abilities due to the Large Language Model they are fed.

Developers of AI feed them with accurate conversational behaviour of people through reading people’s chats on social media platforms.

Meanwhile, doing so may not be out rightly bad, however, the use of robot accounts on those social platforms to copy such conversational behaviours and feed the AI is what Musk and others have a capital No for an answer.

Equally, Musk had restated this resolve against AI excesses in some tweets earlier before his announcement of the daily limit on Twitter.

In his previous tweets, Elon Musk had said thus:

“Several hundred organizations (maybe more) were scraping Twitter data extremely aggressively, to the point where it was affecting the real user experience,” Musk said.

“Almost every company doing AI, from startups to some of the biggest corporations on Earth, was scraping vast amounts of data,” he said.

“It is rather galling to have to bring large numbers of servers online on an emergency basis just to facilitate some AI startup’s outrageous valuation.”

Users Complain of glitches with Twitter:

Twitter was down for thousands of users on Saturday morning, according to outage tracking website Downdetector.com.

Nearly 7,500 users across the social media platform reported issues with accessing the app during the peak of the outage at around 11:17 AM ET.


The social media platform had previously taken a number of steps to win back advertisers who left Twitter under Musk’s ownership and to boost subscription revenue by making verification checkmarks a part of the Twitter Blue program.


However, Twitter is not the only social media giant to have to wrangle with the rapid acceleration of the AI sector. In mid-June, Reddit raised prices on third-party developers that were using its data and sweeping up conversations posted on its forums.


It proved a controversial move, as many regular users also accessed the site via third-party platforms, and marked a shift from previous arrangements where social media data had generally been provided for free or a small charge.

Ex Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Reacts:

Jack Dorsey, Twitter co-founder and former CEO, reacted after Elon Musk’s announcement on Saturday.


He said; “Running Twitter is hard. I don’t wish that stress upon anyone. I trust that the team is doing their best under the constraints they have, which are immense,” Dorsey tweeted.


“It’s easy to critique the decisions from afar…which I’m guilty of…but I know the goal is to see Twitter thrive. It will,” he added.


In a second tweet, Dorsey said, “And I do hope they consider building on truly censorship-resistant open protocols like bitcoin and nostr to help ease that burden. Good for all, and critical to preserve the open internet.”

Twitter Users say Goodbye to Twitter, Welcome Truth Social:

Following the new development, many Twitter users have announced heir departure from the platform.

They equally said they were embracing former president Donald Trump’s platform, Truth Social.

Truth Social has similar feel, environment and functioning as Twitter.



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